Thursday, June 21, 2012

Little Things

It is absolutely amazing to me how fast time flies when you are enjoying every second of what you are doing. I'm in love with my time here. Our visitors are still here, and it is so fun to have people to explore with, eat with, drink wine on the river with, and just enjoy company. It's been a busy week since I have last written, and I have so much to share about our trip to Budapest and a day trip to Versailles, but I thought I would write today about a few of the little things that have happened this week and made my smile.

1- We gained a pet. Ellen, Sean, and Hunter were wandering the city on Tuesday while I did some shopping and errand-running of my own. I came home early afternoon with a three cheese panini and a bottle of water, and I was sitting at the kitchen table eating and reading when out of the corner of my eye I saw a movement. I glanced up just in time to see a mouse crawling across the floor and under the couch. I immediately crawled on top of the kitchen counter and called Aidan. We came up with a game plan for disposing of the mouse (without killing him!), and I put the plan into action. Our plan? To create a barricade that would tunnel the mouse out of the couch and out the door. Long story short, 3 hours later I was unsuccessful in getting him out, I had made a mess of the apartment, and I was exhausted from chasing Ratatouille around the apartment with a broom. Here are my three take-ways: 
1. Mice do not like cheese. Ratatouille did not touch the cheese trail I left for him and just ran from piece to piece of the furniture.
2. There are holes in our walls that are connected to other apartments. Ratatouille eventually escaped my barrier and sought refuge in the kitchen where he escaped through a hole and now lives somewhere in our walls. Sometimes I wake up at night terribly afraid he will be cuddling next to me.
3. Trying to buy a mouse trap in France is like playing charades. As much as I love Ratatouille, I did purchase two mouse traps from the store. It sounds simple until you don't know the French word for mouse or trap. Talking to the clerk, I made a mouse noise and then slapped my hands together and somehow that did the job! 

2- I finally have flowers in the flower boxes!! We got home from Budapest mid-day on Monday, and Aidan did not have to go to work, so he went with me to take on the Flower Nazis. I am so pleased to announce that we now have gorgeous pink geraniums that I look at every day (and who knows, maybe that's where Ratatouille is living)!!

3- A late dinner reservation last night left the four of us wondering what to do before Aidan got home, so we took a bottle of wine (or two) and plastic tea cups to the Seine and sat on the ledge next to Notre Dame. It was as picturesque as it sounds watching the boats go by and waving to the tourists on them. My favorite moment, however, was sharing a toast with some people on one of the tour boats. Ellen, Sean, Hunter, and I raised our glasses to them, and behind their glass wall, they raised their glasses to us. Just a simple moment where I knew that there is nowhere else I'd rather be.

4- I love to eat, and I have yet to have a bad meal. BUT our dinner last night may have honestly been the most delicious meal I have ever eaten in my entire life. It was not anything adventurous- I had prime rib, potatoes, and dark chocolate gelato with a praline- but the rich flavors left me savoring every single bite (quite an accomplishment for any teacher who is used to eating lunch in 20 minutes!). My mouth waters just thinking about that meal and the amount of satisfaction I got from enjoying each bite. It also started an interesting discussion about things America could learn from France. More on this later... I'm still processing my thoughts! :)

5- Happy Anniversary (a day late) to two of my favorite people in the world. Thank you for showing me what 25 years of love looks like. I love you Mom and Dad, and I can't wait to see you in July!

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