Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hidden Gems

With the clock winding down and my flight home becoming closer and closer, I realize that I need to start wrapping up this chapter of my life and this blog. It's bittersweet to realize that my year of travel back and forth to Europe is ending, but I am not at all hiding my excitement about the movers coming tomorrow, packing up this apartment, and shipping it all HOME to Indianapolis where Aidan will soon be taking a job! YAY! 

I was strolling around today when I realized that during my time here there were a lot of museums I didn't go to, a few parks I didn't read in, and obviously quite a few crepe stands I left untouched. But I did my thing- I explored, I relaxed, and I just enjoyed Paris in its purest form whether I was nibbling on a fresh, warm baguette, sticking my head in a corner jewelry store, or laying in the grass and reading a book. I did everything I came here to do, and while I did miss a few things, I found a few gems too. In the event that you come to Paris and want to see something besides the Lourve, Eiffel Tower (don't get me wrong, it's my favorite too! :), Notre Dame, and the Champs-Elysses, here are a few of my favorite places that are a little off the beaten path but an absolute joy:

1- Luxembourg Gardens: A short walk from our place, these gardens house France's Senate. With perfectly trimmed grass, beautiful flowers, tennis courts, playgrounds, and chairs around a beautiful fountain, this is the best place to just be. I ran there, I drank wine with friends, I watched cute little kids chase their boats around the fountain, and I soaked up some sun. What more do you need?

2- The Jewish Quarter: The Latin Quarter gets most of the credit for being a fun, lively neighborhood in Paris for young people to stroll around... which is why I love the Jewish Quarter. It is far less crowded, every bit as interesting, and has the most delicious fallafel I've ever eaten! I had the time of my life one day walking in the rain, wandering through the various shops, and nibbling on a few local delicacies!

3- Les Parc des Buttes-Chaumont: This park is in the northeast part of the city which is much more residential than downtown Paris. It was a PAIN to get to this park (which is probably why most tourists don't go), but the journey was well worth it for these amazing views. The park is built on a rocky hill, so it is a perfect place to walk around, see some great views of the city, eat a sandwich in the grass, and spend some time soaking it all in. This was the view from my picnic:

4- Any place with a television and a sports channel: While in Paris, I think everyone should soak up a little piece of the local culture... FOOTBALL! Even if you are not a fan of the game of soccer, there is nothing like watching a game with crazed fans who hoot, holler, scream, and throw things. They get excited for any game no matter how big or small, and sometimes watching them is more fun than watching the games. I was lucky enough to be here for the Euro Cup Finals and watch the final game at the Eiffel Tower!

5- Who knows: Regardless of where you are staying or for how long, in Paris you should explore the neighborhood where you are. Get lost for a few hours (as long as you have Metro passes!), find some local stores, and just enjoy. I have found some pretty amazing stores during my wanderings- I would love to recommend them, but I'm not sure I know where they are- and I have enjoyed seeing new things everywhere I go. This sign that I saw today reminded me of my sister :)

6- Lesser known museums: Sure you have the Lourve, the Musee D'Orsay, and the Pompidou, but if you have extra time and are "art-ed out," I do have a two museums that I loved! The first one is the Shoah Memorial. I talked about this one yesterday- it's the Holocaust Museum- but it truly is amazing. Everything is in English, and it is totally free! Plus it's in the Jewish Quarter! The second museum is the Musee de L'Armee or the Military Museum. You may want to brush up on your Napoleon history and some French Revolution, but this one is great! I'm bummed we didn't find it before because my dad would have loved it!

I've found all these great things, so how do I saw goodbye? C'est la vie!
Note: This is not the last entry. I still have things to share!!

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